Patient-derived gut mucosal models for drug discovery
Early therapeutic intervention
Colorectal cancer and inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)

Foundation science
Stem cells are rare cells that are the very source of life-long tissue renewal. The single cell gut mucosal layer is body’s most highly regenerative tissue. It’s replaced every week from a reserve of stem cells located below the surface.
Inherited genetic mutations and mutations that accumulate throughout life can disrupt the tight regulation of cell production and lead to bowel cancer and inflammatory bowel disease.
Curing bowel cancer and managing chronic intestinal inflammation is very difficult. For this reason, Curileum focuses on intervening early in disease development with small molecules to correct abnormal cell production and novel regenerative stem cell therapies to repair tissues.
Discovery platform
Using sophisticated patient-derived in vitro models, Curileum scientists have identified modulators to correct imbalances in cell gut cell production, intervening in disease before it develops.
Curileum scientists collaborate with academic groups and biotechnology companies to identify and develop new therapeutic opportunities.